Why Only Natural Health Food Store is proud to stock Solgar.
One of the nice things about being in business for a long time is that you become well known and suppliers will often seek you out and it must be about 20 years now since Sue, a friendly, professional lady who dressed only in black walked into Only Natural off the street to introduce me to the company she worked for. That company was Solgar.
At the time I hadn’t heard of Solgar. Over many years of working with the company I’ve come to recognize it for what it is, namely the world’s no. 1 when it comes to quality, effective nutritional and herbal supplements. When I sell one of those gold bottles I’m always very aware of the research that’s gone into the product’s formula, of the highest of control of raw material sourcing and the manufacturing standards behind its production and of the care taken by the company to insure that my staff and I have received the necessary ongoing training to make sure we have the knowledge necessary to effectively sell the product. I know that the end result of all this is that when I sell a Solgar supplement I’m selling something that will have a positive effect on the buyer’s health, that I’m selling something that ‘does what it says on the tin’ to quote a popular advertising slogan.
The company has come a long way from humble beginnings. It was founded in 1947 in New York by two pharmacists and a naturopathic doctor. These three shared the view, revolutionary at the time, that proper nutrition is essential for optimum health. Together they started manufacture of Solgar’s first product a multivitamin they called Naturvite, a natural higher strength vitamin and mineral supplement to provide an alternative to the low potency, synthetic alternatives designed to do no more than avoid deficiency that constituted the market at the time.
Much has changed since then but the Company’s core value ‘No compromise’ has stayed the same. To quote some Solgar marketing ‘That means always doing the right thing, no matter how inconvenient, tedious or expensive it might be’. Here are some examples of how the company ‘always does the right thing.’
Each and every batch of raw material is tested rigorously before use. Samples are put through a full spectrum of microbiological and chemical tests to determine its purity, potency and correct identity before the batch is released from ‘quarantine’ and into the production process. Product absences happen from time to time because Solgar simply won’t use inferior raw material.
I’ve visited Solgar’s manufacturing facility in upstate New York and I’ve seen its state of the art nature at first hand. Each product has its own manufacturing room fitted with a system that ensures no airborn contaminants can be passed from product to product, thus ensuring complete purity. All machinery is completely dismantled after every production run and brought to the washing room where each individual part is washed with filtered water. Only small batches are made to guarantee freshness and the date on the product is the final date on which Solgar can still confidently guarantee that each and every ingredient will still be at peak potency.
The Company’s scientific and technical team is second to none and comprises Ph.Ds, Nutritionists, Lab. Technicians and others. Between them they research the science behind the products and the formulas and ensure the safety and optimum benefit of the finished product, their work ensures that the products really are the ‘Gold Standard’ of nutritional therapy.
Solgar has been carbon neutral since 2001 and has donated generously to environmental projects around the globe. Their glass bottles are fully recyclable.
They give particular support to two charities, ‘The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust’ and ‘Small Steps’. The first of these is based in Kenya and is responsible for saving baby elephants left orphaned at the hands of poachers. Interestingly it was found that a large percentage of them were failing to thrive due to pancreatic deficiency and are currently coming back to health through having Solgar Pancreatic Enzymes added to their three hourly milk feeds.
‘Small Steps’ is a UK Registered Charity who’s aim is to give shoes, aid and sustainable solutions to children around the world living on rubbish dumps and surviving by scavenging.
I’ve used the phrase ‘We stock the brands you can trust’ when marketing Only Natural and Solgar is a prime example of that!